Thursday, November 29, 2012

Homeboy Sandman "Illuminati" Video

"'s too high a cost tryin' to save the orphans, just keep em off the lawn..."

Monday, November 26, 2012

Knxwledge "Buttrskotch​-​LR023" Beat TAPE

I love BEATS, and since I was lucky enough to grow up during a time cassette tapes were the status quo, it should come as no surprise that I love TAPES.  Furthermore, I've grown very fond of a beatsmith by the name of Knxwledge who I believe is the most unique and innovative beat maker working today (next to Madlib of course).  No wonder I flipped when i heard that Knxwledge had thrown everyone for a loop (pun intended) and dropped a legitamate BEAT TAPE (on cassette)!  Peep... and be aware that dude has around 40 (Forty) releases on his bandcamp-good luck catching up.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

9th Wonder & Buckshot f. Rapsody "Shorty Left"

This is the perfect beat for Buckshot, reminds me of some old Black Moon.  Looks like "The Solution" is something to look forward to.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Earl Sweatshirt "Chum"

Very dope track from Earl Sweathshirt of Odd Future.

Roc Marciano "Bozak"

I am really losing my mind trying to be patient for "Reloaded."  You would think gems like "Bozak" would hold me over, but I'm still shaking in anticipation since I heard the snippets on Amazon (below), which is all the proof I need that Reloaded is certified CLASSIC!  Peep for yourself...Can't wait to see Hip Hop DX have to finally drop a 5 star review, as any other rating would be a major fuck up on their part...